Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support

The Sherwood Park Primary Care Network offers a variety of mental health services.  Note that one-on-one appointments require a referral from your family doctor.

Accessing our Services:

  1. Visit your SPPCN member family physician (list of member physicians can be found here)
  2. Referral to Sherwood Park PCN Mental Health services
    • Upon receiving a referral:
      1. Every patient is connected to a Behavioural Health Consultant (BHC).
        • A BHC may be available in your physician’s clinic.
        • If a BHC is not available in your clinic, you are able to see a BHC at either our Sherwood Park or Fort Saskatchewan offices. Both in- person and virtual appointments are available. 
      1. You may also receive additional services, as appropriate (this will be decided between you, your physician, and the BHC) that may include:
        • Psychiatry consultation 
        • Mental Health Therapist
        • Other healthcare team members


Ages we serve: 

  • Behavioural Health Consultants (BHCs) work with people of all ages. 
  • Our PCN psychiatry services offer one-time adult only psychiatry consultations.


Behavioural Health Consultant Services

BHCs are the first point of contact for patients referred to SPPCN for mental health. The BHC will complete an initial visit and will ask about physical symptoms, emotional concerns, behaviours and explore how these might relate to one another. Individual appointments with a BHC are typically 20-30 minutes. The BHC will complete a solutions-focused evaluation and treatment plan. Throughout the process, you remain in charge of your health care, and the BHC works with you and other members of your healthcare team to develop an action plan that best suits your needs. The BHCs may also connect you to community-based services if necessary or appropriate.

A BHC can: 

  • Help you identify and implement behaviour changes to improve your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. 
  • Provide support to address habits, behaviours, stress and/or emotional concerns that get in the way of individual health and healthy living. 
  • Help you develop a plan that helps you self-manage your health needs.


Group Classes

In addition to individual patient support, we also offer group classes to help with some mental health concerns. These include: 

Community Supports


Strathcona County Community Supports

Learn more about online and in-person programming & workshops for parents & caregiversyouthfamiliescounselling and support services

Fort Saskatchewan Mental Health and Well-Being Services

FCSS offers short term, preventative mental health services that help to support individuals build resiliency and connect to community services.

Alberta Health Services

Access 24/7 provides walk-in mental health support and crisis intervention. In-person services are available at the Edmonton Community Health Hub North, 13211 Fort Road or by calling 