Primary care is all the services you receive for your basic, everyday health needs. It is your entry point into the healthcare system. Every single Albertan needs primary care. It could be

  • a visit to your family doctor
  • a call to Health Link
  • an appointment with a therapist

In Alberta, primary care services are provided by family doctors, primary care networks (PCNs), and Alberta Health Services (AHS). Primary care includes the initial care, treatment and follow-up of various conditions, as well as referrals to the rest of the health system when needed.

Primary care also encompasses the promotion of wellness, and the prevention and management of chronic diseases and injuries.

Our Primary Care Network (PCN) has a variety of health professionals to ensure we have all your family’s general healthcare needs covered. Our clinicians include:

  • Family Doctors
  • Registered Nurses (RNs)
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
  • Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
  • Pharmacists
  • Registered Dietitians
  • Exercise Specialists
  • Behavioural Health Consultants
  • Mental Health Therapists
  • Psychiatrists 

With a referral from a family doctor, our team offers one-on-one appointments for patients.

Primary care is the foundation to building healthier Alberta communities and a strong, sustainable healthcare system. It gives you and your family a home in the healthcare system, supported by a team who know and understand your unique needs.