Find a Doctor or Clinic

Need a Doctor?

The following doctors are accepting new patients in the Sherwood Park – Strathcona County PCN geographic area:

Sherwood Park
Fort Saskatchewan


There are no physicians accepting new patients


There are no physicians accepting new patients


Bon Accord

There are no physicians accepting new patients


Click here to view doctors in Edmonton accepting new patients

St. Albert

Click here to view additional doctors in St. Albert accepting new patients

Walk-In Clinics

In our geographic region there are also various walk-in clinics that can assist with short-term needs, which include:

Alberta Find a Doctor Website

The Alberta Find a Doctor website is a valuable resource where you can search for a family doctor by location across all of Alberta. You can also search by “Doctor’s Gender” and “Doctor’s Language”.

Full Directory

View our PCN’s full directory of doctors that serve our geographic region here.

Every single Albertan needs a doctor.

Your primary care doctor and their clinic form your home base for managing you and your family’s healthcare needs.

It gives you and your family a home in the healthcare system, supported by a team who know and understand your unique needs.

Primary healthcare is the foundation to building healthier Alberta communities.

Looking for a Doctor somewhere else in Alberta?

The Alberta Find a Doctor website can help you find a clinic or doctor throughout the province.