PCN Services for Physicians

Our PCN’s physician members have access to the following SPPCN services:

  • Centralized Mental Health Program
  • Centralized Health Support Team Program
  • Specialty Referral Program (See our specialty referral form – only for use by SPPCN physician members)
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME) Opportunities
  • UpToDate subscription through SPPCN

View our current Programs & Classes Calendar to learn more about our PCN’s group programs and classes.

Once physicians have been members with SPPCN for at least six months (and depending on their patient panel size) they may be able to access additional SPPCN services, including:

  • Decentralized Family Practice Support Program
  • Office Enhancements and GP Skills (OEGP) Funding Form
    Sign into Physicians Login site to access the OEGP Form


Becoming a Member

SPPCN currently has over 120 physician members.

To join the PCN, you must be a family physician or pediatrician. We have a Membership Approval Process that we follow to sign-up new physician members, which requires the SPPCN Board’s review and approval of membership.

Contact Farah Albert ([email protected]) to learn more about joining our PCN!


UpToDate is a clinical decision support resource for physicians and clinicians that is associated with improved outcomes. More than 7,300 physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers use their deep clinical domain expertise to critically evaluate available medical literature to produce original content in a succinct, searchable format, which is accessible through an UpToDate subscription. 

If you are a SPPCN physician member, access UpToDate by first logging into your SPPCN account through the button below.

Prospective Physicians and Locums


If you are a family physician, pediatrician, or locum, who is interested in practicing in our PCN’s geographic region (Sherwood Park, Strathcona County, parts of Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Lamont, Gibbons, Redwater, Bon Accord, or surrounding area), please contact:

Farah Albert, Executive Director
Sherwood Park – Strathcona County Primary Care Network

[email protected]
